Norwood 2

What is Norwood 2?

At the Norwood 2 Stage, hair loss begins to become visible. Typically the hairline recession forms a triangular or wedge-shaped pattern in the temporal areas (front corners).At the Norwood 2 Stage, hair loss begins to become visible. Typically the hairline recession forms a triangular or wedge-shaped pattern in the temporal areas (front corners).

Signs to Look For:

What to do About Norwood Stage 2?

If you have a history of hair loss or male pattern baldness in your family it’s important to periodically monitor for indications of thinning hair or a receding hairline regardless of your current Norwood Scale classification. With Norwood 2 stage, identifying changes early on and implementing a preventive hair loss treatment can stabilize or slow your hair loss.

Hair Restoration Options for Norwood 2

Would you classify yourself as Norwood Stage 2? It’s never too early to talk to an expert. At Natural Transplants, our friendly and knowledgeable hair transplant surgeons are available to supply a Norwood Scale classification and review related hair restoration options FREE of charge. Call us at 844-327-4247 to speak with a doctor and get your Norwood Scale questions answered.

7 Stages of Male Pattern Baldness

The Norwood-Hamilton scale is a standard methodology used to categorize the stage or extent of hair loss in men. 

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