FUE Hair Transplants

FUE Transplants: What to Expect

At Natural Transplants, our doctors provide FUE hair transplants to the appropriate candidates. The FUE technique is a highly-effective method that can yield excellent, long-lasting results for patients with minimal hair loss. Learn more about the FUE method, and whether it’s suitable for you.



Actual Natural Transplants Patient

What is the FUE Method?

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a hair transplant technique that involves extracting hair follicles as multiple small cylindrical punches from the donor area and relocating them to areas with thinning or balding hair.

Typically, hair in the donor area is shaved to facilitate access to the follicles. The small openings created by the small cylindrical punch typically heal around a week after the procedure.

Comparing FUT (HUE & HUE+) vs FUE

Both FUT (HUE & HUE+) and FUE  techniques are used to extract hair follicles during a transplant procedure. While these two options are both highly-effective, not everyone may be a suitable candidate for either technique. Our doctors at Natural Transplants can help determine the best option for your specific needs.

FUE Method

The FUE technique produces no linear scar and does not require a removable suture in the donor area.




Ideal Candidate

FUT Method

The FUT technique can provide a higher hair count in one session.




Ideal Candidate

Who Is The Ideal Candidate for an FUE Hair Transplant?

The ideal candidate for FUE is someone with minimal hair loss, typically with straight hair. While feasible, achieving satisfactory results is more challenging for individuals with curly or ethnic (e.g., African-American) hair. Additionally, candidates should have stabilized their hair loss and be cautious, especially younger individuals in their 20s, due to the potential for unpredictable future hair loss. It’s important to note that FUE procedures utilize the entire donor area, which may limit future surgeries with this technique.

FUE is particularly suitable for individuals who prefer extremely short hair lengths, as this is a major advantage over the traditional strip method. However, it may not be the preferred choice for women or men who prefer longer hair lengths.

Furthermore, ideal candidates should have a plentiful supply of donor hair, not only for the initial transplant but also for potential future procedures. Realistic expectations about the transplant outcome are also essential for ideal candidates.

Have More Questions About FUE Hair Transplants?

We can help you find the right solution for your hair loss. Schedule a complimentary consultation to receive an honest assessment, and discover whether an FUE transplant is right for you.