Female Pattern Baldness

What is Female Pattern Baldness?

Often, hair thinning in women is due to genetics. This type of hair loss is known as female-pattern hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia. A hair transplant is a proven method for treating female-pattern baldness. 
A normal female hair loss pattern consists of thinning in the vertex (crown) and center of the scalp (hair part). As the female pattern baldness progresses hair density reduces and the center of the scalp (hair part) widens leaving “peach fuzz” or a fully bald section. Unlike male pattern baldness a recession of the frontal hairline doesn’t normally occur unless the individual is suffering from Traction Alopecia.

Hair Transplants for Female Pattern Baldness

If hair loss runs in your family or you think you might be experiencing female pattern baldness, it’s important to monitor your hair loss and seek medical advice. Early detection and preventive treatments can help manage or slow the progression of thinning hair or a receding hairline.

Call the doctors at Natural Transplants at 844-327-4247 to speak with a doctor. During our FREE consultation, our friendly and knowledgeable staff can assess your hair loss and get your questions about female pattern baldness answered. We can also review your hair restoration options, personalized for your hair loss.

Real Results for Women

Watch patient videos to learn about their personal hair restoration journey, and see the remarkable hair transplant results to address female pattern baldness.

Female Pattern Hair Loss Before and After Images

Explore results from past female hair loss patients of Natural Transplants. Individual results may vary.

Get A Free Assessment of Your Female Pattern Hair Loss

At Natural Transplants, our honest and experienced hair transplant surgeons are available to assess your female pattern hair loss and determine the most suitable hair restoration options for you.

Actual Natural Transplants Patient