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Stress and Hair Loss: Everything to Know

What’s The Relationship Between Stress and Hair Loss?

Do you think stress can lead to hair loss? Some studies have shown that emotional or mental strain can damage hair follicles and speed up hair loss. Several different things, including stress, injury, and anxiety, can cause hair loss. In this article, we discuss the relationship between stress and hair loss, and answer common questions.

Article Contents

  • Can stress cause hair loss?
  • How can you tell if hair loss is from stress?
  • Symptoms of stress-induced hair loss
  • How long does stress-related hair loss last?
  • Is stress-related hair loss reversible?

Can Stress Cause Hair Loss?

Yes, stress can affect or cause hair loss. One common side effect of stress is the loss of hair on the scalp. Loss of scalp hair is a known side effect of stress. Hair loss can result from several common stressful situations that can arise, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Financial struggles and debt
  • Death of a loved one
  • Sickness
  • Divorce
  • Accident
  • Surgery
  • …to name a few.

These events happen throughout your life, and can bring stress. Unfortunately, direct or indirect stress exposure can damage hair follicles and trigger hair loss.

How to Tell If Hair Loss is Caused By Stress?

You may be experiencing stress if you lose more than 150 strands of hair daily (the exact number may vary depending on hair length, but it should amount to a sparse palmful) or if you have seen a sudden increase in your hair loss. When under pressure, your hair may thin out, especially near the temples.

Symptoms of Stress-Induced Hair Loss

What are some symptoms of stress-reduced hair loss? The following can be classified as causes and symptoms of hair loss due to stress:

Telogen effluvium occurs in a case whereby numerous hair follicles go into their resting phase, or telogen phase, due to stress or trauma. About 5-10% of your hair rests at any particular time. However, this number is significantly higher in those suffering from telogen effluvium, who lose an average of almost 100 hair strands daily.

Trichotillomania is often known as a hair-pulling disorder due to extreme worry, stress, and despair. A person who suffers from this ailment will pull off strands of hair from their lashes, brows, and head. The result is a gradual loss of scalp hair.

Alopecia Areata appears in the form of pots of baldness on the scalp and can be brought on by mental or emotional stress. Because of this condition’s autoimmune nature, the body’s immune system turns against its own hair follicles.

How Long Does Stress-Related Hair Loss Last?

Hair loss from stress usually begins two to three months after a stressful event or physical change, lasting less than six months. However, the duration may be longer than six months in some chronic cases.

Is Stress-Related Hair Loss Reversible? How Long Will It Take to Grow Back?

Hair loss from stress is reversible through certain drugs, laser therapy, and hair transplant surgery. But, it will take at most six months before hair loss can be stopped and new growth can begin. Maybe wait a few more months before deciding if the medicine is helping. If the treatment is helpful, it must be taken consistently to maintain the effects.

Can a Hair Transplant Work For Me?

If you’re struggling with stress and hair loss, we encourage you to schedule your free consultation with an expert hair loss doctor at Natural Transplants. We can give you an honest assessment of your hair loss options to see if a transplant is right for you.

Our team works with both men and women who are experiencing hair loss. We offer a travel incentive for people from all over nationwide and globally to visit our hair loss clinics in South Florida and Washington DC.